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sexta-feira, 28 de julho de 2017

Military Parades - Vietnam

Yes, we are talking about Vietnam, since the 50's, with a significant number of military parades, some of them a fine and rare piece of work. Top interesting is the biggining in 1954 after the French and ending in 2016, with the Chinese menace, about South China sea islands what gives a new impulse  to weapons sale to the nations of the area. Vietnam since the end of Vietnam War in 1975 that don't have god relations with China or Cambodja, so today the weapons support came from Russia but also in some small scale from the old enemy USA (not a original situation since ARVN left many weapons, like the F5A fighter, Huey helicopter M48 tank or the PBR ship, that unified Vietnam use for many years). Let's see what a nations that in the past century was half of him at war, as doing.

The 2016 Parade was the last one that we have on youtube. Very interesting, in armed forces that fight Japonese, French, Americans and Chinese (we had also the Cambodja invasion), without a war lost.

About 2015 parade, it is the 40th aniversary of the Vietnam reunification, after the defeted of South Vietnam. The end of war doesn´t mean peace to the country since they figh next Cambodja Khmer Rouge and Chinese.

In 2013 another military power demonstration in Vietnam, a warning to the constants problems with the border, specially the maritime one.  With Cambodja the main problem is China, but also a significant number of nations, that do not understant and recognise who have sovereignty about this or that island.

Final 80's were a change time in South Asia. So 1988 parade present probably the last patriotic and comunist military power in Vietname. Besides Cambodja, in this time all Indochina were calm with the slow decadence of for exemple Philippines and the rise of China.

When we talk about 1990's, the main idea is the beggining of the end tothe "Could War" (or at least the freezing of the could war). With the dismemberment that it happened in the nations of the communist block, rules about policy or weapons sale, ended up. Ocidental tecnology started to appear in China or Vietnam.

Victory Parade in 1975 after the end of Vietnam war was not only the rise of a regional power, but also the celebration of a major defeted of South Vietnam and United States. Coming soon a pair of wars will prove to the world that Vietnam, was a much better war machine that they think (if Japan, France or USA doesn't know all ready).

Ho Chi Min 20 years parade is a good opportunity to see the ancient city of Saigon, and also a military parade outside the capital Hanoi. Also the Vietnamese comunist party see with te conquest of old South main urban zone a good oportunity to honor the ex Vietnam lider. So, its two in one.

Most interesting parade is this small article is this from ARVN  in 1971/1973, because we are talking about a nation that no longer exist. Without moral and a powerfull lidership, corruption and defeat take place in the South Vietnamise Armed Forces. Superior material and technology were no mach for a veteran and superior army, navy and airforce.

In 1958 is obvious that North Vietnam is prepared for war against the South. Chinese and Russian material and train were a massive support to a force that fight and win japonese and French.  In a blast this part of Asia was a bif of a conflit, that in many situations was more convencional that a guerrilha  war.

Hanoi Victory Parade in 1954 celebrate the defeted french in Dien Bien Phu. The simbolic power should be seen was a warning to what it came, but United Nations and Americans ignore the problem of an Indochina in 4 pieces (South and North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodja). The result was more than 50 years of warm milions of victims and an area that still divided in 3 nations. Border relations are tense, in land and sea. The present for now is peace, but in future there's a run to arms that is at least a sign of preocupation.